on the birthday party trail
I have mixed feelings about the birthday parties of children today. On the one hand, it is true that people of my generation (and prior) rarely, if ever, had a childhood birthday party of the magnitude that is expected at today’s young children’s parties. It’s a lot of pressure for parents – moms especially! I recently read an interesting Huffington Post article from that perspective. On the other hand, the creative side of me so appreciates all the labor, skill, and delicately designed details that go into planning an elaborate party. Planning, crafting, and organizing an event can be fun and rewarding!
I believe that often, first birthday parties are more for the parents that the kids. And I don’t necessarily think there is anything wrong with that! Being a parent is unlike anything you have ever done before. If you survive the first year, I say throw yourself a party if you want to.
Since being blessed with our first little angel, we have been lucky enough to form a wonderful support network of other young families around us. Which means we get invited to a lot of kids’ birthday parties! As an ongoing (but somewhat irregular) series, I hope to share with you the fun we have at some of the birthday parties we go to throughout the year.
These pictures are from our friend Ava’s first birthday party that we went to this weekend. Ava’s mommy and auntie just so happen to be fabulous event planners/interior designers so you can now easily understand why everything looks so fab! Check out their blog for more fun inspiration and party pics!