a little surprise
Well, I am well past the point of looking like I just ate a little too large of a sandwich for lunch. ย Ok let’s be honest, I am not sure I was ever at that point being as this is the third time I have done this! ย If you are a follower of mine on instagram, you may have noticed that I rarely post pictures of myself. ย But I did post one the other day where I was in the background of a group shot and some of you may have also noticed I was packing a leeetle extra bump in the belly region. ย And I realized, this may raise some questions. ย So just to get straight to the point, yes, it’s true,ย we are expectingย baby number three! ย Coming August 2015!
Butย really, I am not one of those girls who people are like, “you hardly look pregnant! ย and you’re how far along?”ย Well, maybe with my first. ย But my second and especiallyย now, I had people asking looong before I was ready to share. ย Humiliating, really, but I am trying to keep my personal feelings/ego on that point in perspective. ย Because we really are SO EXCITED for this little nugget! ย And that is all that matters.
This baby was a little surprise. ย Myย husband and I were contemplating the idea of having a third or not but had not really made the decision yet. ย We always knew we would have two, and maybe three. ย I was still breastfeeding little A until right about her first birthday (in November). ย One December morning, I woke up in a panic, call it mother’s intuition I suppose, and I knew I needed to take a pregnacy test. ย And there it was! ย I woke up my husband in that wee hour and we had a good panic sesh together for about a couple of weeks straight. ย I mean we just made this big move and we live in a small apartment and there are just a million other logistical issues to contend with. ย Not really the most ideal situation to bring a new life into. ย But once we wrapped our heads around the idea, we knew we would be just fine. ย Because we always are and because this is just the happiest reason toย make life work.
I am overall feeling really good. ย I am already in my second trimester so I am past the nausea. ย I still feel tired at times, but I do chase after two little ones all day! ย I am trying to stay active but that is challenging with my schedule revolving around the kiddos and the fact that I have not been nearly as active in general since those two came into our lives. ย When I was pregnant with my son, I ran a half marathon and did a full marathon when he was just five months old. ย But I have not run like that in ages. ย I didย Bikram yoga through both of my previous pregnancies and I just recently got back into it with this pregnancy and I am glad I did because it feels so good. ย I know Bikram is somewhat controversial during pregnancy (and if you have never done it before is definitely NOT recommended), but I have been practicing for 9 years and I closely follow the Bikram pregnancy series (which is modified postures that are proven safe and even beneficial for pregnant women) so my midwife gave me the go ahead for it. ย And I of course listen to my body and am sure not to overdo it.
I am also working on eating as healthfully as possible, but I never deprive myself. ย I recently underwent extensive allergy testing for a severe case of eczema I have been battling (see more on that in my separate post later) and consequently I have had to completely change my diet. ย I have been suspect of dairy products for some time as dairy is the most common food allergy and both of my kids are sensitive to it, but it turns out I have a nut allergy instead! ย I was eating a ton of nuts and nut products as a mostly vegetarian/vegan leaning mama, so I have now reintroduced dairy as an additional protein source and I am trying to learn how to do that without just binging on my favorites (cheese and icecream, obvi).
My friend and photog Brandi of B.Hansen Photographyย came over the other day to snap a few shots of this growing bump of mine to share with you all. ย The boys were out on an adventure, but my little A got to share some moments with me and her excitement about becoming a big sister!
She may not be as excited to become the middle child.
So the final question people always want to know: yes we do know the gender and yes we are planning to share! ย So today, I have a little easy-peasy contest going on over on my instagram feed, just for fun. ย Find the post with pregnancy announcement and guess the gender. ย Be sure you are following me @paigerangel and @blueberriesandlace and tag some friends to play too! ย If your answer is among the correct answers, we will be giving away a $40 shop credit to Blueberries and Lace! ย Please, only one guess per person (in other words, you cannot guess both genders). ย Contest ends at 5:00pm Wednesday, February 24, 2015 and winner will be announcedย within 24 hours after that.
Blueberries and Lace is 100% natural and vegan skinย care product line. ย I am using her handmade organic vegan belly balm to keep my growing bump (and super sensitive skin) moisturized during this pregnancy. ย And she has an amazing special kit designed just for new mamas that includes the belly balm, diaper balm, baby oil, and mama oil. ย It’s the perfect combination for mamas and babies alike! ย The winner will be able toย use her shop credit towards this kit or any of her other amazing products.
outfit info:// on me: swing top and lace shorts from top shop // shoes from zuzii footwearย //on little A: (reversible!) romper by paush for sweet threads // mocc ankle boots from mini moxie
February 24, 2015 @ 8:27 AM
Congrats to the Rangel family! We miss you guys in CA!
February 28, 2015 @ 6:00 AM
Congratulations! I just found you on instagram which then led me to your blog… so excited for you. I think we are right around the same timeline! I’m 22 weeks and we just found out we were having our second girl!! although for some reason I was convinced we were having a boy lol… you look stunning! So glad you are feeling better! I’m big into pilates and Gyrotonic through pregnancy. It feels so good to move! Also,, so random to read a post about suspecting a dairy allergy… I’m cutting out dairy starting today to test and see if I’m allergic. I’ve had horrible horrible gas lately, but I’m a huge ice cream fanatic ๐ sorry if that’s tmi. Anyways, congratulations! Anything is what you make of it, so although the situation might not be ideal, I’m sure you can make it perfect ๐
March 3, 2015 @ 1:30 PM
Thank you so much for your sweet comment! No worries at all- I love hearing about other people’s personal motherhood journeys. I hope dairy is it and will help you feel better soon!